Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Long Exposure

This style of photography is called a Long Exposure. More specifically it is a night time time lapse.
To get me started, I had to make sure I had a tripod, as well as a camera with a full battery.
Living next to a somewhat busy street was used to my full advantage for this project. I set up my tripod on the corner of the street with the camera pointing to the traffic, I began adjusting my settings.
Being on full manual mode, my f.stop was at a 16, and my shutter speed was at "BULB" mode, making it easier for me to capture the cars passing by whenever i was ready. The "BULB" mode allows you to have the aperture open as long as desired, letting the light "burn" into the frame.
After taking several test shots, I felt that holding the shutter down for about 9 seconds was long enough to get what I wanted without my image being over exposed. The head and tail lights of the cars passing by creates the long line effect. After the shooting process, I then used Adobe Photoshop as my editing tool. I then selected the stream of lights and made that election a layer. Flipping the selected image and warping the position, I was able to create a curved reflection. I used the "vibrance" and the "hue" adjustments to make the colors of the lights pop out more, creating my final product.


  1. This is a really amazing photo! You did a really good job of explaining all the steps you did to get your final image.

  2. This is overall a great picture. I really like the way you warped the reflection on the bottom, it makes it look like a car was coming in too fast and cut the other person off. You did a very good job with not letting the lights in the back interfere with the photo! (:
