Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Pop Art

This style of photography is called Pop Art. In this category, there is more editing than there is of 
photographing. For this project, the class was assigned to take 9 different facials to create the canvas.
Once the head shots were done, I downloaded the images to the computer and opened them in Photoshop. Editing each frame was a long and frustrating process. 
Each individual frame had to be cropped at the same size. After adjusting the basic settings (brightness/ contrast, etc), I used Filter > Artistic > Cut Out settings to create the "pop art effect". Before doing this step, I had to isolate the background and desaturate my image. 
Background > Duplicate background > Group > New Layer. In the “new layer”, I selected a color of my choice, then selected the rectangle tool and traced my image. Moving my “background copy” above or in front of the colored layer and selected the “screen” mode made the image of just my face the color I select. Flattening the image and then choosing a different color with the paint bucket tool, I was able to paint the area around my head. Finally, once every individual frame was properly edited, I created a new canvas so I could then place all of my different images to one format.

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